Our Business Principles
As Atom International Transportation and Logistics , we adopt our working principles with our respect and responsibilities towards the world, our country, our society, our customers, our employees, the environment and living things.
Our priority is; to comply with laws and regulations, to provide services and solutions with accurate, fast, value-creating and advantageous business quality, to meet the expectations of our customers, to protect the rights and health of our employees and to ensure their occupational safety, to be transparent, honest, reliable, professional, fair and open to innovations.
Taking the necessary steps to increase our service quality and efficiency, behaving equally despite differences in age, language, race, gender, marital status, religion, political opinions, supporting environmental, educational, cultural and artistic activities, complying with the rules of human competition and carrying out corporate social responsibility activities.
We keep our working principles up to date in our memories, and we work to make our company an exemplary company.